Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is streamlining the council’s delivery of vital services for families, improving support for over 230,000 residents.
Swindon Borough Council is celebrating the successful completion of another step in its digital transformation journey. The council has used RPA technology to migrate 200,000 Children’s Services records into CareDirector, a comprehensive new system. Council teams can now record and share data accurately, improving the continuity of the care plans delivered to over 230,000 residents.
By migrating legacy systems to CareDirector, the council has combined data recording, handling, and sharing for the Community Health, Mental Health, and Social Services teams. The results have included savings in staff time, improved experience for staff and service users, and better document management. Without the responsibility of monotonous rekeying, staff can spend more time on human-centric tasks, delivering valuable advice and support to Children’s Services users.
CareDirector has already begun saving time, improving data-sharing capabilities, and reducing errors – ultimately, the system is helping to deliver efficient services with resident experience and welfare in mind.
The problem and solution
Swindon Borough Council’s previous manual system required community-facing teams to record social care data across a range of separate CapitaOne and Civica-hosted systems. This posed a number of challenges, including data-sharing issues and some informational discrepancies between teams, which led to delays.
This burden has been lifted with the help of NDL Automate. The specialised RPA product is provided by NDL, a software company specialising in public sector digital transformation.
Faced with a huge volume of data – manual extraction and migration weren’t feasible for the council. RPA Automate Bots emulate manual data input, but with much greater speed and efficiency. Automate Bots were able to migrate over 130,000 Child Services documents in a matter of days – a task that would have taken council workers weeks to manage manually.
This latest development follows the council’s use of RPA technology to improve the Free School Meals application process. Thanks to Swindon’s existing product licence for NDL Automate, they were able to migrate all records into CareDirector without added investment into further tech infrastructure.
Following the success of the Children’s Services digitisation project, Swindon Borough Council has also applied NDL’s Automate solution to its Educational Welfare and Housing systems. The replicable nature of the project means the council is able to continue its digital transformation independently, without further aid from external tech experts.
Rhian Loveless, Senior Business Analyst at Swindon Borough Council, said:
“RPA has given us the flexibility, and the opportunity, to integrate between systems earlier and cheaper – in the midst of a complex landscape of contracts ending and new system procurements. For our integration between CapitaOne and CareDirector we’ve already future proofed our solution to move to Synergy when it is implemented in March 2023. This has avoided either procuring multiple integrations at £20k at time, or a delay in the data being available to front line practitioners to carry out holistic, informed interventions – reducing the time available to work with children, young people and their families.”
For more information about the Swindon Borough Council Social Care RPA project, contact [email protected].
About NDL:
NDL is a UK SME software company developing transformational technologies with a social purpose. Its digital transformation platform delivers digital and RPA solutions that have been specifically designed for the public sector, for the public good – enabling better design and delivery of services.
For nearly 40 years, NDL has worked closely with a growing community of public sector customers, sharing best practices, innovations, and templates so that similar challenges being faced across the country can be overcome more easily.
Aiding digital transformation and compatible with all vendor software and legacy infrastructure, its technology is designed to provide immediate and long-term benefits. NDL Evolve includes eforms, mobile apps, robotic process automation, and digital workflow, which help organisations to better engage with the public, seamlessly integrate teams in the field, and ensure information is available where and when it is needed for more informed and quicker decision-making. In doing so, its technology helps to reduce the burden of admin, enabling teams to achieve significant savings in time and money and helping the public access the services they need.